Smith-Corona, also known as Standard Folding, Corona Typewriter Co., L. C. Smith and Brothers, L. C. Smith and Corona, and Smith-Corona Marchant, was and is one of the most illustrious typewriter companies to exist.
_As Standard Folding_
In 1906, the Standard Folding Type-Bar Typewriter CO. is established. Engineer Frank Rose created a folding machine that would fold in half, making it a truly portable machine to compete with the one other lightweight model on the market: the Blickensderfer. Having typebars and a more conventional layout, the design had potential. Some 12 000 Standard Foldings were made, and they are a rather rare and desirable machine today. Eventually, the Standard Folding would be rebranded into one of the most popular machines to ever have existed, the Corona 3.
_As Corona_
In 1909, the Standard Folding company was acquired by an investor and moved to Groton, N.Y. In 1912, after a variety of edits had been made to the basic Standard Folding design, it was redesigned and marketed as the Corona 3. This new machine saw great success.
Eventually, the folding 3-bank Corona